FIDE World Blitz Championship 2024: Magnus Carlsen predložio Ianu Nepomniachtchiju da podijele prvo mjesto! / WORLD RAPID CHAMPIONSHIPS 2024: Volodar Murzin i Humpy Koneru novi FIDE svjetski prvaci u Rapidu. / U petak, 25. oktobra, velemajstor Magnus Carlsen , lansirao je svoju novu aplikaciju, 'Take Take Take'. Aplikacija se fokusira na mehaniku igranja, scenarije akcije uživo i pruža ljubiteljima šaha osjećaj zajednice. / 1. GRAND PRIX USK-a: Ahmed Kekić pobjednik, Naid Kekić treće mjesto, Sead Čaušević pobjednik serijala Grand Prix turnira. / IM Goran Trkulja pobjednik 29. seniorskog pojedinačnog prvenstva Šahovskog saveza Zeničko-dobojskog kantona 2024.
The World Senior Team Chess Championship is open to all players, regardless of rating and title, who reach their age of 50 and 65 by 31st December 2025 and represent National Chess Federations which are members of FIDE. Teams can register only through their national chess federations. There is no limit in the number of teams per federation (club teams, city teams, regional teams, national teams, etc. may start in the championship, there is no limitation). There is only one limitation – all team players must be members of the same chess federation (for example CZE).